JFK provides high quality services to residents of Philadelphia who need behavioral health treatment. JFK provides a safe, caring therapeutic atmosphere for clients. We offer services to adults, children, and their families.  JFK is all about giving everyone in our community the opportunity to lead productive lives, and become contributing members of society. We strive to support everyone in their efforts to become self-reliant, and understand that respect and dignity are the foundations upon which successful lives are built.

JFK has full-time, part-time, per diem, and fee-for-service roles in clinical, administrative, and leadership capacities. Compensation at JFK is augmented by our comprehensive benefits offerings:  

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and JFK’s own regulations and policies; our officers and employees are committed to non-discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, in any hiring activity pursued by, or on behalf, of JFK.

Certified Peer Specialist   (Part Time)
Location: 112 N. Broad St.

Chart Auditor (Behavioral Health Records)   (Full Time)
Location: 112 N. Broad St.

Drug & Alcohol Clinical Supervisor   (Full Time)
Location: 112 N. Broad St.

Drug & Alcohol Therapist   (Full Time)
Location: 112 N. Broad St.

Outpatient Therapist   (Full Time)
Location: 112 N. Broad St.

Recovery Coach: Bilingual Spanish   (Full Time)
Location: 2342 N. 5th St.

Recovery Therapist- Gender Identity   (Full Time)
Location: 112 N. Broad St.

Unit Clerk   (Full Time)
Location: 907 N. Broad St.

Unit Clerk-Bilingual Spanish   (Full Time)
Location: 2342 N. 5th St.

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